Matthew ritchie artwork by picasso

  • Matthew ritchie artwork by picasso
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    Matthew ritchie artwork by picasso

  • Matthew ritchie artwork by picasso
  • Famous artwork by picasso
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  • Matthew Ritchie - Artnet
  • Since the early 1990s, Matthew Ritchie has developed an installation and painting practice drawing from the vocabularies of science, sociology, anthropology, mythology and the history of art.

    In his paintings, installations, wall drawings, light boxes, sculptures, projections, artists books and performances, Ritchie describes the generation of systems, ideas, and their subsequent interpretations in a kind of cerebral web, concretizing ephemeral and intangible theories of information and time in a unique and recognizable gestural form that emphasizes the human trace.

    In 1997, Ritchie began a series of paintings and installations titled The Main Sequence, which aimed to represent visually a theory of everything through a fragmented narrative.

    Each painting