Inbred hillbillies of west virginia

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    Inside Odd, West Virginia, where ‘most famous inbred family’ The Whittakers live ‘in squalor’ and talk in grunts

    THE town of Odd, West Virginia is a quiet, rural countryside, despite all the buzz surrounding the infamous inbred family, The Whittakers, who live within it.

    Two YouTubers have shared an inside look into Odd as they documented themselves traveling down a windy two-lane road.



    Shane and Melody from Real Appalachia came right off the local interstate to explore the West Virginian community, located along Tommy Creek in Raleigh County.

    The town of Odd isn't actually a town at all, but an unincorporated community, meaning that there is no local government.

    When choosing a name for their community the people "wanted something odd and unique and so they chose odd and it stuck," Melody said in the video.

    Shane and Melody originally thought that there were only two buildings in town - the post office and the church.

    However, during the video, t