Sreyas swami vivekananda thoughts
Sreyas swami vivekananda thoughts
Swami vivekananda thoughts in hindi...
Swami Vivekananda’s Quotes On Thought
By VivekaVani
We have already written an article on Swami Vivekananda’s quotes on mind.
Now in this article we’ll make a collection of Swami Vivekananda‘s quotes and comments on mind.
- Always keep your mind joyful; if melancholy thoughts come, kick them out.[Source]
- By dint of hard work, thoughts may be silenced altogether.[Source]
- Even thinking the least good of others gradually instils into the heart the strength of a lion.[Source]
- Every new thought must create opposition.[Source]
- Every thought in the mind has a form as its counterpart.
This is called in Sanskrit philosophy Nâma-Rupa — name and form.[Source]
- Excessive mirth should be avoided. Excessive mirth makes us unfit for serious thought. It also fritters away the energies of the mind in vain.[Source]
- If you have to think, think good thoughts, great thoughts.[Source]
- In our little universe, this human mind, we see a t